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Within the next 2 years we hope to have
SPECIAL KIDS AT HOME up and running as a resource for those families who are living with a special needs child in their home.

In years past, a lot of children with disabilities were placed in institutions. Only in the last few decades have these special children been kept at home, in the family unit. Unfortunately, support systems for these families lag behind the needs. As a mother of a severely disabled 9 year old daughter, I have experienced this first hand.

Additionally, the many families I have met over the years with special kids at home have been struggling. Family is not always close or choose not to be involved. The pressures of exhaustion, finances, marriages, and school systems are often more than one family can endure.

This is where we hope to enter into the picture.
We are setting up SPECIAL KIDS AT HOME as a non-profit organization to try to meet some of the unmet needs that these loving and overworked parents come up against.

We have ideas, but need to hear from you.
What are the biggest needs you, as a parent, could use help with?

We would, eventually like to have a retreat center for our families. A free, open retreat center where you can come with or without your kids. A place where you and your kids are always welcome and where you can meet with other parents, laugh, cry, compare notes, get info, and just get a good rest.

We want to address other problems as well, like advocating within school systems, respite care, etc., but we need a lot more input from you to get this going.

Please take the time to think
about this and get back to us:

We want to make this a reality
not just for us, but for the families
that will follow us.

Love to you all,

Pat Cummings (patkerash/patabut)

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